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How To Effectively Care For The Elderly With Sepsis

1 year ago

Our loved one with sepsis

Caring for an elderly loved one can be rewarding but challenging, especially when diagnosed with a severe medical condition like sepsis. Sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection, requires prompt and careful attention. Family caregivers are crucial in providing the necessary support and care during this critical time. In this guide, we will delve into the essential aspects of effectively caring for older people with sepsis, offering insights, tips, and strategies to ensure the well-being and recovery of your loved one.

Understanding it

Sepsis, also called blood poisoning, is a life-threatening condition. Practically, it is a medical emergency demanding urgent intervention. While it can occur in individuals of all age groups, it is particularly prevalent in the elderly, owing to their advancing age, poor immunity status, and chronic diseases. According to a study published in the Journal of Critical Care Medicine in 2006, it was reported that, in America, individuals aged 65 years and above make up more than 65% of sepsis cases every year in hospitals.

It has also been estimated that about one-third of individuals with sepsis do not survive. Those who do often develop post-traumatic stress disorder, organ dysfunction, fatigue, and chronic pain. It occurs when the body’s immune system releases chemicals into the bloodstream to fight infection. As a result, there is inflammation and disease throughout the body. Such a kind of phenomenon can severely cause damage to the vital organs and can even lead to death.

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms

The first step in caring for an elderly loved one with sepsis is recognizing the signs and symptoms. These can include fever, rapid heartbeat, confusion, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and more. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Early detection and treatment are crucial in improving the chances of a successful recovery from sepsis.

Causes of it

An infection of any kind can trigger it in our elderly loved ones. The standard types of diseases that are most likely to cause sepsis include:

Condition of the abdomen (gut)
Infection of the kidneys – urinary tract infection
Pneumonia – infection of the lungs
Bloodstream infection

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is one of the leading causes of death in the US, as more than 40% of patients do not survive the condition. However, experts at CDC say that early recognition of the symptoms can save many lives.

The various organisms that are known to play foul in the causation of sepsis include the following:

Staphylococcus aureus
Escherichia coli


It progresses in three stages – sepsis, severe sepsis, and sepsis shock. Doctors say that if treated in the preliminary stages, the chances of survival are the best. However, if the condition progresses to the next step, the survival rate diminishes as multiple organ failures and a sudden drop in blood pressure can lead to death.

Recognizing the early signs of symptoms would improve the chances of survival of your elderly. With intravenous antibiotics and fluids, the patient would survive. You would know your elderly has developed sepsis if they exhibit any two of the following symptoms:

A high body temperature of 101 F or lower than 98.6 F
Increased respiration of more than 20 breaths per minute
An increased heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute
Possibility of infection

Signs and symptoms of severe sepsis

If your elderly exhibits any one of the following signs, chances are that they have developed severe sepsis, requiring prompt treatment:

Difficulty in breathing
An altered mental status
Pain in the abdomen
A significant reduction in the urinary output
A decrease in platelet count
Extreme fatigue
The appearance of discolored patches on the skin
Chill due to a sudden fall in body temperature

Tips to take care of elderly with sepsis

Taking steps to prevent sepsis and recognizing the early symptoms of the condition can go a long way in helping your elderly survive the situation. Moreover, recognizing the early signs of sepsis can help prevent the disease’s progression to more advanced stages, enabling a faster recovery. The following tips can help you as a caregiver in helping your elderly combat sepsis:

You need to ask your doctor or the nurse about the signs of sepsis. Since the early signs of sepsis mimic other disease conditions, diagnosing the situation is often difficult. However, with careful monitoring and regular visits to the doctor, you can help in early recognition of the state.
As a caregiver, you must also ask the doctor about the various steps to prevent infections. The doctors may also suggest certain vaccines for your elderly loved ones.
Encourage your elderly to practice good personal hygiene. Hand washing after cleaning wounds and any activity can help prevent infections.
Any cuts and wounds should be appropriately cleaned, and steps should be taken to heal faster.
You need to act fast. Suppose your elderly suspect they might have sepsis; taking immediate action is necessary. Always remember that prompt action may save many lives; therefore, it is best to seek close medical attention whenever an infection isn’t healing or getting worse.

Communicate Effectively with Medical Professionals

Effective communication with healthcare providers is essential. Share all relevant information about your loved one’s medical history, medications, and symptoms. Ask questions to gain a clear understanding of the diagnosis and treatment plan. By being an informed advocate, you can ensure that your loved one receives the best care possible throughout their sepsis journey.

Provide Emotional Support

Caring for older people with sepsis involves more than just physical care. The emotional toll of the illness can be overwhelming for both the patient and the caregiver. Offer a supportive, empathetic presence and encourage open communication about fears and concerns. The keyword “sepsis” might be medical, but its impact also extends to emotional well-being.

Assist with Medication Management

Your loved one may be prescribed antibiotics, pain relievers, and other medications to manage sepsis and its symptoms. Ensure they take their medications as directed by the healthcare provider. Set up a medication schedule, keep track of dosages, and monitor for any adverse reactions. Keyword-focused vigilance will help you manage your medication regimen effectively.

Monitor Fluid Intake and Nutrition

Elderly individuals with sepsis may experience a loss of appetite or difficulty staying hydrated. Offer a variety of nutritious foods and fluids to support their recovery. The keyword “sepsis” is a reminder to ensure they receive the necessary nourishment to aid the healing process.

Prevent Infections

As sepsis often originates from infections, it’s crucial to prevent additional infections. If applicable, help your loved one maintain good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, oral care, and wound care. These simple measures can reduce the risk of secondary infections.

Maintain a Comfortable Environment

Create a comfortable and safe environment for your loved one’s recovery. Ensure their living space is clean, well-ventilated, and free from hazards. Use the keyword “sepsis” to remind yourself of the critical importance of a clean environment in preventing further complications.

Stay Vigilant for Complications

Sepsis can lead to complications such as septic shock or organ failure. Be vigilant for changes in your loved one’s condition, such as worsening symptoms, increased confusion, or difficulty breathing. If you notice these signs, seek medical help immediately.

Support During Recovery

Recovery from sepsis can be a lengthy process. Attend follow-up appointments with medical professionals, assist with physical therapy exercises if recommended, and offer emotional support as your loved one regains their strength. The keyword “sepsis” might have been daunting, but with dedicated care, recovery is possible.

Take Care of Yourself

Caring for an elderly loved one with sepsis can be physically and emotionally demanding. Remember to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. Seek support from other family members, friends, or support groups. Recognize that taking care of yourself enables you to provide better care to your loved one.

Additional Education

Education in caregiving refers to acquiring the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to provide care for individuals who require assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and grooming. This education can be obtained through formal programs or on-the-job training and experience. Education in caregiving aims to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide high-quality, compassionate care for those in need.

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Caring for older people with sepsis requires dedication, knowledge, and compassion. By understanding the keyword “sepsis” and its implications, you can provide adequate care that supports your loved one’s recovery journey. From recognizing symptoms and seeking prompt medical attention to offering emotional support and ensuring proper nutrition, your role as a family caregiver is invaluable. By following these guidelines, you contribute to the well-being and improved quality of life for your elderly loved one during their battle with sepsis.

The post How To Effectively Care For The Elderly With Sepsis appeared first on The Caregiving Strategist.

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