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My Care Friends provides affiliate links in our Marketplace so you can access a wide array of products and services that you may find helpful along your journey of caring. Please know that we may earn affiliate commissions for your purchases through these links and you don’t pay a higher price to support that commission. In fact, sometimes you are receiving a discount or added benefit because of our affiliations. 

It’s important to note that My Care Friends assumes no liability, and makes no warranty or representation of any products or services offered through these links. It’s also important that you make your own independent assessment of the products and services offered through these links. Please remember that My Care Friends doesn’t provide medical, legal, insurance, or other professional advice. We strongly encourage you to seeks such advice when and where appropriate.

As caregivers and advocates, it’s common that we are lovingly more focused on those we care for than ourselves. Yet, it’s important we make sure to turn the attention around, so we can keep on being there for ourselves and those we love.

With this in mind, consider checking out Life Line Screening and the special package of 5 Preventive Health Screenings for only $149 — a 50% discount! This includes the following screenings: Carotid Artery, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Osteoporosis Risk, and Atrial Fibrillation.

Life Line Screening has 30 years of preventive health screening experience and screens over 600,000 people each year! It serves every major city and outlying suburb, with 56 geographic teams across the U.S. (except Alaska and Hawaii.)

Learn more by clicking the Life Line Screening image and consider YOUR health today!

The tagline of The Wright Stuff is “Health Care Products That Make Life Easier” and as caregivers and advocates who doesn’t want that for our loved ones. From products that help in the kitchen to those that assist mobility to those that provide comfort – and so much more – you very well may find some products that provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind.

For almost 25 years, The Wright Stuff has been providing caregivers, advocates and their loved ones with products that help make life easier. Click the image and check out the wide variety of products they offer!

For over 35 years, Carex has taken great pride in being a leader for in-home, self-care, and medical products for caregivers, advocates, and the loved ones they care for. The Carex mission of providing high-quality health and wellness products has led to produce a wide range of products including mobility aids, bath safety equipment, pain management devices, and much more under 10 different brands. That wide variety of products and brands has enabled them to become a go-to for health and wellness products. 

Carex takes great pride in providing innovative, high quality products and resources that enable customers to live healthier, more comfortable and independent lives. Click the image and check out the wide variety of products they offer!

Jordan M
9670 points
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