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What I Would Look For in an End of Life Doula Training Course

4 months ago

Dear Barbara, I’m interested in learning more about a career as an end of life doula. I understand there are courses, programs, and even certification. Do you know of one that you would recommend? 

I have done webinars and podcasts with several end of life doula groups but am not comfortable in recommending a specific one. There are many different approaches and offerings. These multiple choices give you the chance to match your personality with the instructors and teaching methodology.

Do an internet search, and be sure to check all the websites and their course offerings. Look into where the course instructor was educated and their history with end of life care. Read their course reviews. Select a few courses that you think will give you the knowledge and support you are looking for. Then interview the programs that seem to be good matches. Ask questions about what you are looking for and what your expectations for their program are.

Here are my thoughts on what you want to find in an end of life doula course:

* You want group-learning courses, which can take place in person or through Zoom. You don’t want a written course without consistent interaction with the instructor.

* I suggest you look for ongoing group support and regular continuing education offerings following completion of the course. 

* You want a personality connection that you like and will be comfortable learning from.

* Classes should include:

– Why do you want to do this work 
Advance directives/DNR/POLST 
Signs of approaching death
– Communication skills
– Supportive ideas for patient and family 
– A basic knowledge in medical and pain management care and your supportive role in it
– Working with dementia 
– Spiritual issues and the doula’s place
– Basics of grief, bereavement, and follow-up
– Community outreach training
– And, very importantly, self care. You need to keep yourself healthy while doing this work! 

Depending on your personal goals, you may want your course to cover additional topics. But what I have listed are the things I feel are most essential.

Something more… about What I Would Look For In a End of Life Doula Training Course

The doula training courses that I work with require their students to have my End Of Life Guideline Bundle and to read The Final Act of Living: Reflections of a Longtime Hospice Nurse. The bundle will live in the doula’s bag to support families. The book (also an audiobook) educates the student from signs of approaching death to funeral planning and advance directives.

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