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More than Memory: Understanding Brain Change & Dementia from the Inside Out



8:00 pm - 9:30 pm


This workshop is for family members, friends, care partners, or anyone in the community who is concerned about or caring for someone living with cognitive impairment or dementia. Join us to learn:

  • The difference between normal aging and dementia
  • How dementia affects our brain, abilities, and influences our behavior
  • Techniques, approaches, and communication tips to support people living with brain change and dementia
  • Strategies to effectively manage caregiver stress, difficult emotions, and the art of accepting assistance from others

The workshop will be facilitated by Kay Adams—Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Compassion Works, LLC. Kay is a dementia coach, educator, writer, speaker and trainer. Compassion Works engages care partners and organizations impacted by dementia through coaching, consulting, education and training, so they are empowered to effectively face challenges with confidence, clarity, and connection.

Jordan M
9620 points
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