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How to wash hair in bed with no mess

1 year ago
How to wash hair in bed with no mess

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some older adults can’t bathe using a tub or shower because they have limited mobility or have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and stubbornly resist bathing.

When someone isn’t able to get into the shower or bath, it can seem impossible to keep their hair and scalp clean and fresh. No-rinse shampoos, dry shampoo, or wiping with wet cloths are helpful, but just aren’t as good as a thorough hair washing with water. A real wash with water and regular shampoo will make your older adult feel more comfortable and keep their scalp healthier.

Check out this 3-minute video tutorial and an inexpensive product that helps you wash someone’s hair in bed without getting water everywhere.

How to wash hair in bed without a mess

Watch the video about for a step-by-step process of washing your older adult’s hair in bed. Watching how it’s done in the video makes it easier to know how to do it yourself without getting water everywhere. 

Here, we’ve summarized the supplies you’ll need and the steps to take.

What you’ll need:

Shampoo basin for hair washing in bed (see suggestions below)
Garbage bags and/or a few towels to line the bed and keep it dry
Mild shampoo
Bucket of warm water
Cup for scooping water
Empty bucket to drain dirty water

12 steps to washing hair in bed:

Lay out all your supplies so you know you have everything you’ll need
Line the bed to keep it from getting wet
Fill one bucket with warm water
Gently place the person’s head into the inflatable basin
Make sure the basin is set up to drain into the empty bucket
Scoop warm water from the full bucket to wet their hair
Use a small amount of shampoo to wash their hair – using too much will make it difficult to rinse out
Scoop warm water to rinse hair completely
If hair is very dirty, shampoo and rinse again
When hair is clean, gently remove their head from the basin
Wrap their head in a dry towel to keep them warm and comfortable
Make sure the basin is fully drained – you might need to tip it over into the bathtub

For extra comfort, consider:

Plugging ears with cotton balls to keep water from getting in
Lining the neck opening with a small towel to protect from any hard or scratchy plastic seams
Giving them a washcloth to hold on their face if they’re concerned that you might get water in their eyes
Using a soothing lavender-scented shampoo for a relaxing experience

3 hair washing shampoo basin product suggestions:

$16 Duro Med DMI Portable Inflatable Shampoo Bowl
$16 DMI Portable Inflatable Shampoo Bowl
$20 DMI Portable Shampoo Bowl

Source: Blog/Practical Tips

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The post How to wash hair in bed with no mess appeared first on Family Caregivers Online.

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