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Dying To Know Webinar: Sexual Health in Palliative Care



8:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Presentation Synopsis:

In this session, we will be talking about what sexual health can mean in the context of serious

illness and end of life, why sexuality and intimacy matter, and how to bring these topics into

conversations about care.

Presenter’s Biography:

Katharine Hopkins is a registered nurse with a background in sexual health and palliative

care, and holds diplomas in sexual health from the University of Alberta and tropical nursing

from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Her professional interests include harm

reduction, queer and trans health, and decolonizing health care. Katharine loves travelling,

running, and staying home with her spouse and two cats.

Please note, login information for Zoom will be sent to registrants closer to the event date.

If you have any questions, please contact Ruth Kohut at

Jordan M
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