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Comfort and Care In Late Stage Information Sessions (4 Tuesdays in June)



10:00 am - 12:00 pm


This four-part virtual speaker series will address common care issues in late-stage dementia to help care partners and providers adapt to changing needs and explore sensitive issues around care and treatment. The series features guest speakers from community support agencies within and around Durham Region.

This series will offer participants an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of:

1. Overview of Late-Stage Dementia (June 6th)

This session will examine changes in the person in late-stage dementia and will include care approaches and strategies to create meaningful engagement.

Guest Speakers: ASDR Staff

2. Medical Assistance in Death and Dying (MAiD) (June 13th)

This session will provide a brief overview on MAiD in Ontario including eligibility, process, and navigation for persons living with dementia.

Guest speakers: ASDR Staff

3. Introduction to Advance Care Planning (ACP) (June 20th)

It’s never too early to start thinking about your health care options, to articulate your wants and needs for a time when you are not able to speak for yourself. If something unexpected were to happen tomorrow, what care would you want to receive – or not receive? These decisions are challenging and this session will let you know how to start creating an Advance Care Plan.

Guest speakers: representatives from Dying with Dignity Canada.

4. Pain Matters (June 27th)

Join our Regional Palliative Pain in Symptom Management Consultant as we discuss pain assessment and management with End Stage Dementia.

Each session will be hosted on Zoom (with a phone in options)

Jordan M
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