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Dallas Area Agency On Aging Services

1 year ago
Dallas Area Agency On Aging Services

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Dallas Area Agency on Aging program coordinates a comprehensive, integrated service access system. Care managers work to assure easy access to services provided to and for Dallas County older adults and their caregivers. The following services are provided:

Family Caregiver Support Program
Eases the emotional, physical, and financial strain of caregiving through respite care, minor home repair, chore services, transportation vouchers, and some durable medical goods. 

This program provides a multi-faceted system of support services for family caregivers and for grandparents raising grandchildren or older individuals who are relative caregivers. The care recipient needs to be 60 years of age or older or any age if they have Alzheimer’s or dementia. A grandparent or older relative caregiver must be age 55+ caring for a grandchild or child age 18 years old or younger; is the primary caregiver because the biological adoptive parents are unable or unwilling to provide care; has legal custody or is raising informally; or the recipient is age 19-59 with severe disabilities. Grandparent must be a Dallas County resident and deprivation exist.

Information, Referral Assistance
The Aging Information Office (AIO) provides telephone information and assistance to older adults and caregivers. AIO informs, guides, and directs individuals to services and case coordination programs provided by the aging network. To reach the AIO for questions and assistance, please call toll-free 1-888-223-9509.

Care Coordination
Assistance for older adults with difficult or multiple problems. Services include minor home repair, chore services, personal assistance, transportation vouchers, and some durable medical goods.

Benefits Counseling
Prescreening and referrals for public benefits. Aids older adults and caregivers with social security, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, and Medicare Supplement and Long-term Care Insurance.

Legal Assistance
Legal counseling, representation, education, and information dissemination through a contract with an attorney for individuals identified and referred by staff and partner agencies.

Community Wellness
Workshops based on applying principles of scientific reasoning, behavior change theory, and participant action planning: Chronic Disease Self- Management: helps to manage ongoing health conditions; Diabetes Self- Management: manages diabetes and increase confidence for healthy living; A Matter of Balance: teaches practical strategies to reduce fear of falling and increase activity; Diabetes Prevention Program: strategies to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes; PEARLS: provides coping strategies for those experiencing signs of depression and Stress Busting for Caregivers.

Outreach to Special Groups
Increases the availability and utilization of services for the older adult community by ensuring Dallas County residents are aware of available services and are encouraged to participate

Supported Agencies

Deaf Action Center 214.521.0407 or 7-1-1
the Senior Source- Long Term Care Ombudsman Program 214.823.5700
LifeRoads-Adapting to Vision Changes Program 972.863.9712

Program Requirements
Must be age 60 years or older and living in Dallas County.

Dallas Area Agency on Aging – Programs

2023 Medicare Open Enrollment – English

2023 Medicare Open Enrollment – Spanish

Access & Assistance – English

Access & Assistance – Spanish

Dallas County’s Aging & Disability Resource Center

We hope this information is helpful to you in the important work you do as a family caregiver.
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