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Caregiver Spotlight: Elizabeth Rodriguez

6 months ago

Elizabeth’s journey with Senior1Care began in November 2016. Over the past eight years, she has become an invaluable member of the team, earning the Senior1Care “Caregiver of the Year” award in her first year and recently named “Caregiver of the Month.” Her story is one of resilience, commitment, and an unwavering passion for helping others.

Originally from Texas, Elizabeth had no formal experience in caregiving when she joined Senior1Care in Carmel. However, upon further reflection, she realized she has always been a nurturer— caring for her three younger siblings in her mom Rachel’s single-parent household, looking after daycare children, and raising her now-grown daughter Selena. Today, Senior1Care clients benefit from her lifelong nature as she connects with and cares for them.

Before Senior1Care, Elizabeth balanced two jobs and her studies in healthcare administration. When grant money fell through, her future became uncertain. A friend recommended Senior1Care, and despite initial doubts, she discovered a natural affinity for the work and found an employer like no other.

“Sometimes you get redirected. You don’t know you’re going to head in a certain direction, but it ends up being the right path. That was me,” said Elizabeth. “Senior1Care is different from all of the other jobs I had … they hear you out, they work with you. A lot of places don’t tend to listen, making employees feel unheard and devalued. Senior1Care made me feel like I matter; like I make a difference. You are heard and helped toward success.”

Elizabeth’s dedication and willingness to learn often led to long hours, but she always balanced self-care – a valuable lesson for others, as it helps you maintain your ability to provide the best care. “If you don’t look after yourself, how can you look after others?” Elizabeth shared. She finds joy and strikes that important balance through simple pleasures like hiking, pampering, and connecting with her spirituality.

The Importance of Empathy

As a caregiver, Elizabeth emphasizes empathy and ensuring that clients feel heard and valued. “It’s not just a job. You want your clients to feel seen, heard, and cared for.” she explained. “I like to put myself in their shoes and let them see that they have a voice. They still play the leading role – even in their current stage of life, and even when decisions may rest on other shoulders.”

With this approach to caregiving, Elizabeth has formed deep connections with her clients and their families, each leaving a lasting impression. Navigating different personalities within each client’s circle can be one of the biggest challenges in a caregiving role, but she approaches it with the same empathy and commitment.

Reflecting on her journey, Elizabeth expressed deep gratitude for the opportunities and support she’s received from Senior1Care, as well as the valuable insights she’s gained from her clients. “Senior1Care recognized my potential and worked with me, helping me to grow into the caregiver I am today,” she shares. “Their willingness to listen and support my success has made all the difference. I feel valued and heard, which enables me to be a blessing to others. In return, I feel truly blessed by my clients as well.”

The post Caregiver Spotlight: Elizabeth Rodriguez appeared first on Senior1Care.

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