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Adult Day Programs Help Seniors Live at Home Longer

7 months ago
Adult Day Programs Help Seniors Live at Home Longer

Adult day programs improve the quality of life for seniors and caregivers.

When your older adult can’t safely be alone all day or if they feel lonely or isolated, consider enrolling them in an adult day program.

Adult day programs can help an older adult remain at home longer, delaying the need to move to assisted living. They also allow seniors to socialize while getting the care they need. Additionally, these programs offer caregivers much-needed breaks, reducing stress and preventing burnout, so your own health doesn’t significantly decline while caregiving. They are especially helpful if you work full-time outside the home and your older adult needs affordable care during the day.

Here’s an overview of what adult day programs are, how they help seniors live at home longer, who would benefit from these programs, how they assist caregivers, and their costs.

What are adult day programs?

Adult day programs are designed for older adults who need supervision, companionship, and assistance on weekdays. Seniors who attend usually live alone or with their family caregiver. These programs give older adults a chance to get out of the house and socialize with a larger group of people. The overall goal is to improve the quality of life for seniors through engaging social activities and nutritious meals and snacks. Adult day programs also give caregivers much-needed breaks and time away from caregiving.

Activities may include:

Arts and crafts
Music and sing-a-longs
Mental stimulation games
Stretching or other gentle exercises
Discussion groups (books, films, current events)
Holiday and birthday celebrations
Local outings

Additional services may include:

Transportation to and from the center
Social services like counseling and support groups for caregivers
Health support services like blood pressure monitoring and vision screening

How adult day programs help seniors stay at home longer

Adult day programs can help older adults live at home longer and delay the need to move to assisted living. If you’re caring for an older adult at home and have little help, the stress and fatigue from constant caregiving could cause serious illnesses that might eventually make it impossible for you to continue caring for them. Having your older adult attend an adult day program could give you the regular respite you need to reduce stress, care for yourself, and stay healthy enough to care for them over the long term.

Adult day programs are also a good option for caregivers who work full-time outside the home. Instead of being forced to choose between moving your older adult to assisted living or reducing your hours or quitting your job to care for them, a day program could allow you to keep them at home and keep your job.

Seniors who could benefit from adult day programs

In general, older adults who would benefit from adult day programs:

Can benefit from the socialization and assistance a daycare center offers
May be physically or cognitively challenged but don’t need 24-hour supervision
Are in the earlier stages of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
Are fairly mobile – independently or with a cane, walker, or wheelchair
Are not incontinent (in most cases)

These aren’t hard and fast rules, but some general guidelines to help you decide if an adult day program would work for your situation. Each program is different, so if, for example, your older adult is incontinent, just ask if that type of care is included.

Adult day programs include extra benefits for caregivers

Adult day programs can give much-needed relief to family caregivers. While your older adult is there, you can go to work, run errands, or get some well-deserved time for rest and self-care. Your mind will be at ease because you’ll know that your older adult is safe, well cared for, and enjoying themselves. Many adult day programs also have additional caregiver support like educational programs, support groups, and one-on-one counseling.

How much do these programs cost?

The cost of an adult day program will vary – possibly from $25 to $100+ per day. Pricing typically depends on the services offered, location, and availability of financial assistance. Medicare doesn’t cover adult day services, but financial help might be available through Medicaid, non-Medicaid state assistance programs, Veterans Aid & Attendance, and possibly long-term care insurance. Regardless, adult day programs are typically far less expensive than hiring a full-time in-home caregiver or moving your older adult into assisted living.

How to find a local adult day program

To find an adult day program in your local area:

Ask a social worker at the local hospital
Call the county Area Agency on Aging office
Call the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900
Enter your zip code to search via the ElderCare Locator
Search in your state via the National Adult Day Services Association’s state association directory

Source: Daily Caring Blog

We hope this information is helpful to you in the important work you do as a family caregiver.
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The post Adult Day Programs Help Seniors Live at Home Longer appeared first on Family Caregivers Online.

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Jordan M
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