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MCF Team Members

Todd “TJ” Keitz, Founder, CEO & Chief Care Friend

Todd’s journey with his parents led him to first create the blog 1 Day 1 Week to help validate other caregivers and patient advocates along their journeys. Within a few months, he began a podcast called Caregiving Insights, to further assist with timely topics and engaging guests. While it was helpful to many people, he has a goal to reach millions — and the concept of My Care Friends percolated.

Todd approached his friend Yolanda about the idea and being the Webmaster. Over many months, they brainstormed about the idea each week. Excitement grew and their dabbling in development of the website became a real endeavor. This was based on Todd’s dozens of conversations with caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professionals, as well as his research. 

Consensus…this is a must do project and My Care Friends was born!

Yolanda Santana, Webmaster & Care Friend

By day, Yolanda is an IT consultant who specializes in providing technology solutions for small and medium businesses. At night and various times throughout a week, she’s the technology guru of My Care Friends. Her caregiving and patient advocate journey has primarily been for her young son and daughter to this point, which provides MCF with important insight and sensitivity to a huge part of the caregiver population — Working Moms. 

Yolanda’s background as IT Service Manager, Project Manager, Senior Systems Engineer and overall website building, has included security solutions, digital marketing, application development, and much more. All of this and her overall great personality makes her an integral part of the My Care Friends team, ensuring members of the MCF community have an optimal and safe user experience everyday.

Say hi to Yolanda, she’s a My Care Friend member!

Jeff Wang, Technical Advisor & Care Friend

Jeff is no stranger to Todd, having previously been technical advisor to Stock4Good — a financial technology startup that Todd co-founded in 2012. Over the years, Jeff has provided invaluable insight into Todd’s endeavors, from both a technology and overall business view. He has an uncommon ability as a technologist — he understands the broad business landscape and can adeptly apply his full range of knowledge across the spectrum of a startup endeavor.

When not advising the My Care Friends team, Jeff is usually found having fun with his young twins — or fending off the cold/virus of the week they bring home from school.

Jack Salvador, Chief MacGyver & Care Friend

So, what is a Chief MacGyver? It’s someone who specializes in dissecting problems and coming up with a fix in a timely manner — whether intuitively or through mining resources. Jack is that technology guy for My Care Friends!

Jack and Todd go back to 2003, when Todd’s baseball teammate made an intro. At the time, Todd was looking for a reliable, creative, and exceptional web designer/developer for various client projects. Turned out that Jack also understands the big picture and provides much more than technical guidance. Over the many years and a handful of projects, Jack is a trusted friend of Todd and now of the My Care Friends team. 

Jordan M
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