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How Rewards Work

In addition to building your My Care Friends community, for most activities on MCF you earn activity points, badges, and ranks. For MCF members who are competitive – and those who are even slightly interested – we thought you would like to know how these rewards are earned. There are no prizes yet, so for now you can simply smile, have fun and take pride in helping the My Care Friends community Connect. Share. Support. each other!

Activity Points

The first type of reward you earn are Activity Points. The leaderboard on the MCF Home Page shows the Top 10 points earners. You can see a longer list of member point earners on the Leaderboard Page.

  • 5 pts for registration
  • 5 pts for a favoriting an activity stream
  • 5 pts for liking anything
  • 5 pts for send/reply to a private message
  • 5 pts for send/reply to private message
  • 5 pts for writing an activity stream message
  • 5 pts for “liking/favoriting” an activity post
  • 7 pts for receiving a visit to any of your posts
  • 10 pts for daily visit to any post
  • 10 pts for comment on a post
  • 25 pts for daily visit to MCF
  • 25 pts for writing a group activity stream message
  • 25 pts for sending a friendship request
  • 30 pts for accepting a friendship request
  • 30 pts for having a friendship invitation accepted
  • 40 pts for getting a like anywhere
  • 100 pts for joining a group
  • 500 pts for publishing a new post

Activity Badges

These are fun little icons you see on the lower right of your profile home page. Examples are the nine (9) you see below in Todd’s profile.

Kind of fun, right?! You may be wondering what they mean and how to get them. Badges are easy to earn – and they decorate your profile cover image. Here are the badges and why you receive them.

Activity Ranks

These little icons you see under Todd’s photo on the lower left signify when a member has reached a certain level of activity points on My Care Friends. There are 5 levels, each signified by a. As an example, Todd reached the 50,000 points level and has earned the top rank of 5.


5 points
500 points
2,000 points
20,000 points
50,000 points

However many points, badges and ranks you earn, thank you for being a valued member of the MCF community!

Jordan M
11360 points
Dark mode