ScienceDaily-Caregiving News 0
2 days ago

Stroke recovery: It’s in the genes

New research has found that specific genes may be related to the trajectory of recovery for stroke survivors, providing doctors insights useful for developing targeted therapies.   ​Read More 

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ScienceDaily-Caregiving News 0
2 days ago

Does your body composition affect your risk of dementia or Parkinson’s?

People with high levels of body fat stored in their belly or arms may be more likely to develop diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s than people with low levels of fat in these areas, according to new research. The study also found that people with a high level of muscle …

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BK Books News 0
3 days ago

How Are You Spending This Gift of Life?

We are born, we experience and then we die. There are a lot of emotions when we are born (joy, anticipation, pride, throw in some fear but not too much). All of these emotions are experienced by those around us. We, the newborn, are busy adjusting to this new way …

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ScienceDaily-Caregiving News 0
3 days ago

New video test for Parkinson’s uses AI to track how the disease is progressing

An automated assessment technique that uses artificial intelligence could revolutionize the management of Parkinson’s disease.   ​Read More 

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ScienceDaily-Caregiving News 0
3 days ago

Brain care score for dementia and stroke also predicts late-life depression

Researchers have shown that a higher Brain Care Score is also associated with a lower risk of late-life depression. The findings provide further evidence of shared biological risk factors for stroke, dementia and depression and highlight the potential of the BCS to help patients make lifestyle changes to better care …

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Jordan M
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