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Family Caregivers Online 0
1 week ago

25 Foods to Skip After Age 50

These 25 foods may look tempting, but they are packed with unhealthy levels of sugars, fats and salt. Try these alternatives instead. We’re not going to lie. Being a healthy
The post 25 Foods to Skip After Age 50 appeared first on Family Caregivers Online.

by MCF Team Continue reading →
BK Books News 0
2 weeks ago

Don’t Let A Special Opportunity Get Lost

Dear Barbara, I need some advice. I am doing a patient evaluation and have been told not to use the word “hospice“ with the patient. The primary care person doesn’t want the patient to know the seriousness of their illness. I hear this way too often. I suppose the primary care …

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Senior1Care News 0
2 weeks ago

Bridging the Gap: Effectively Communicating as a Caregiver with Clients and Families

While most occupations require effective communication, this skill is notably important in the professional caregiving field. The ability to effectively communicate with clients and their families is essential for providing quality care and building strong relationships. However, many caregivers in Fort Wayne face communication challenges, which can impact the overall …

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Family Caregivers Online 0
2 weeks ago

Prescription Medication Safety: A Caregiver’s Guide

Did you know that over two million Americans experience adverse drug reactions from prescription medications each year? These complications often arise due to a lack of communication or adherence to
The post Prescription Medication Safety: A Caregiver’s Guide appeared first on Family Caregivers Online.

by MCF Team Continue reading →
ScienceDaily-Caregiving News 0
2 weeks ago

Alzheimer’s drug may slow down cognitive decline in dementia with Lewy bodies

Dementia with Lewy bodies is a type of dementia that is similar to both Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease but studies on long-term treatments are lacking. A new study highlights the potential cognitive benefits of cholinesterase inhibitor treatment.   ​Read More 


Jordan M
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