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About Us

My Care Friends was born out of caregiving and advocacy experiences that the Founder/CEO, Todd “TJ” Keitz, has had throughout his life. This began at nine years old for his uncle and continued 20 years later for his sister after a horrific car accident. Over the following decade, he helped his mom care/advocate for his grandparents before they passed. Since 2018, Todd has been primary caregiver and advocate for both parents who have been battling life threatening diseases.

Along the journey with his parents, he created the blog 1 Day 1 Week and podcast Caregiving Insights as a way to help other caregivers and advocates. While these were gratifying endeavors, Todd knew there was much more to create to provide a safe space for caregivers and advocates to Connect. Share. Support. each other. 

The idea of My Care Friends was born!

To bring it to life, he approached his friends on the tech side of business and over the course of 18 months Yolanda, Jack and Jeff were on board to help build the website. While Todd and his team were working on the site, it was essential to find a wonderful human being and uber qualified professional to engage members in the community. Todd met this person while on a hike in Colorado in June 2023. Katie joined the team just prior to the August 2023 launch and together the team works to make your life easier as caregiver and/or advocate! 

How? We are a group of mindful caregivers and patient advocates who understand the wide array of challenges of these extremely important roles — for our loved ones and within society overall. 

Our mission:

  1. To enable caregivers and patient advocates to meaningfully and easily connect in a safe online community, with others in similar roles — so they are “seen”, “heard”, and “understood.” Whether communicating about a caregiving, patient advocacy, or personal interest topic, My Care Friends provides many ways for community members to Connect. Share. Support. each other.
  2. To provide online and offline educational programs and resources, which put forth relevant and robust content that give caregivers and patient advocates information and tools to be more knowledgeable, confident, and effective in their roles.
  3. To bring about greater awareness on local, regional, and national levels, of the need for significantly increased support of caregivers in light of the significantly growing shortage of caregivers — causing an exponential financial, physical, emotional, and psychological strain on individuals and families.

Yolanda, Jack, Jeff, Katie, and Todd hope their focus on this mission helps you along your caregiving and/or advocacy journey!

Welcome to My Care Friends!

Jordan M
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